Rumors are buzzing around the internet claiming that Keith Hodge died in a car accident or was killed in some way shape or form... Y'all are some dumb fucks. All you have to do is visit their official twitter: and read their recent tweets. Sure their last video posts on their youtube channels were in late November, but that's simply because they're gearing up for new projects in 2014. Word on the street is The Hodgetwins have an upcoming sitcom and/or movie roles so keep an eye out for some of their hollywood and financial GAAAAAIIIIIIINNNNNSSSSS.
Ok we know he' isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but this has been proven time and time again so lets overlook his brilliant analysis of IIFYM also known as "flexible dieting" for just a second. Reading these few posts I notice two things... blacks eating "fried chicken n kool aid" and a "Arabic fucktard." Hopefully Bostin can help us by providing us with more of his intellectual insight in regards to the strong corrleation between Blacks eating "fried chicken n cool aid" and protein synthesis. Hell lets hope he also throws in the correlation between Arabic and how it enhances the effects of being a "fucktard" since he figured that he should group the two.
Jason Blaha and Luimarco ... well Jason blaha calls out Mike O'Hearn on his claim of being "natural" and follows up with a solid, "FUCK YOU!" Luimarco on the other hand also pokes fun, in a very legal friendly video, at Mike's "natural" claim and goes through a list of "natural" pictures that O'Hearn has "naturally" taken. Nowadays with all the people starting to pop their heads out of their asses it's tough to claim natural when science says otherwise. Check these videos out and judge for yourself.
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The Iron Liar is at it again. On this subject of racism, Genova claimed that someone hacked his twitter account, but in this video he said it was in fact him dishing out racial slurs. Genova's fans are quick to defend him when an offensive posts goes up on his Twitter or Facebook and blame "chad" or some other moron who may have his password. Well... You fuckers are wrong! For those of you on Jason's dick can now get off of it! The Sith Lord finally admits that was in fact him calling someone a Nigger... not not nigga, but Nigger on twitter out of sheer anger. 4mins and 22 secs into this video, an annoying whale that will give you high cholesterol if you lock lips with her, brings up the racist comment that Jason made on twitter.
Eric Kanevsky of Kanevsky Fitness is notorious for trolling the bodybuilding world from broscience spewing GNC employees to gyms that only judge those who actually lift like this Planet Fitness. Troll or not this employee acted very unprofessional and if anything... his ass should be the kicked out from employment. This idiot doesn't even look like he lifts and clearly doesn't know what the fuck lifting chalk is!!! Check out Kanevsky's latest troll!
Bodybuilders like to spew tons of bullshit about being "alpha" and live under the assumption that having big muscles makes you the king of the jungle. WRONG! This is one huge misconception on the meat head's part. Royce Gracie has proven this time and time again in the past during the UFC before rules existed. If you want to become alpha getting strong and learning how to fight are at least the 2 basics you have to master.
The video starts off with a guy recording a video with absolutely nothing on it... first off who the hell records outside their window with absolutely nothing to see? All of a sudden a slender man looking son of a bitch crawls down the roof? Is this a damn coincidence? "oh i was recording a regular looking building just for the hell of it not knowing a demon who looks like he's going through a cut for contest prep decided to do his cardio by climbing buildings shows up." RIGHT... Whats more moronic is having these bullshit videos posted with some text from the bible to strike fear into the public while the CGI designer laughs his balls off.
Who could Jason Blaha of Juggernautfitnesstv be referring to? There aren't that many fitness gurus on youtube that practice occlusion training given that it's somewhat unorthodox and not fully researched. In fact there's less than a handful... more like a ballsack full gurus/coaches/youtubers that come to mind when you mention occlusion training. Alberto Nunez, team3dmj coach, and Marc Lobliner of Tigerfitness are amongst the most popular prep coaches to date and actively promote occlusion training. What exactly is occlusion training? It's also known as Blood Flow Restriction Training where you actively restrict that blood flow to your extremities and train with lighter weights. To read more about it here's the link:
You requested it and here it is! Now STFU and stop spamming me! Here I'll spotlight new and upcoming youtube channels that haven't gone snobby and hollywood yet. Hopefully this can be a catalyst to that! Here's the first featured youtuber who goes by the name Crazyasianchik on youtube. She's the older sister of Tony Do a.k.a tdo a.k.a pureaesthetics93, a current team3dmj athlete. So why did I choose her first? It was a toss up between her, chelsealifts and barbellafitness. Chelsea gets enough shout-outs from bigger channels already and barbellafitness is also steadily gaining momentum. Oh and it also was simply because there's too much penis in the youtube scene right now I figured that females needed to be recognized as well. I read a study which revealed that there was far too many pancake asses at the gym, manufactured by treadmills and elipticals, and I thought that these females could lead the movement on educating females to squat, deadlift, and track macros.
Aside from all the bullshit here's Haiyen Do, I was linked to her channel by someone who follows the blog and found that she's actually... badass. She's a fitness competitor that's also a gamer. If you though all female gamers were fat, acne blessed and ate hot pockets all day... well you were wrong. For you geeks out there check out youtube's fitness version of olivia munn.
Luimarco is well known for staying lean all year long. Unlike Mike Chang of Sixpackshortcuts, Luimarco actually has a six pack while Chang sports a "fat pack" as Lui puts it. This video Luimarco posted in response to Mike Chang's "Afterburn" pre-workout hits the nail directly on the head. Chang claims that the big three companies are trying to shut his pre-workout down, but Luimarco brilliantly calls Mike Chang out on his bullshit! Aside from this video watch the other posted video from Lui that basically puts Mike Chang to shame!
Tons of viewers out there in youtubeland have a passionate hate for No Bullshit Bodybuilding C.E.O Ian McCarthy and consistently ask him, "do you even lift?" Well here's the very first collaboration/workout video from the 3rd most hated fitness youtuber that I hope you all can enjoy. Does he even lift? Well watch the damn video and see for yourself!
For some odd reason it's the morbidly obese individuals that come up with the most idiotic ways to lose weight. For example the infamous "juice cleanse." Do they really fail to understand the true nature of the liver and believe, without properly researching, that juice cleanses will magically make them detoxified and skinnier? People like Shay Carl of Shayloss on youtube as well as Jumoke of Jumoketvfitness are advocates of these juice cleanses. Can one seriously believe that a juice cleanse defies the laws of thermodynamics? Do you also believe that you can substitute the role of what your liver was meant to do with simple juices? If so please share and of course don't forget to link us to your references. Inb4 "It boosts your metabolism, but I can't really explain the mechanism behind it without citing some non-peer reviewed broscience resource"
A lot of youtubers are pissed off with Mike Chang's Six Pack Short Cut broscience and many made parody's of his "weird" pitches, but this one takes the cake. Here's a parody of the infamous Mike change with a little twist from youtuber: toos training. Take a look and maybe you'll find one weird trick to make your life more fulfilling in this video.
Paul Walker's agent confirms that he was killed in a car accident when his Porsche lost control and crashed into a tree outside of Santa Clarita, CA this Saturday Afternoon. Unlike the Sonny Bono incident this one resulted in a fiery blaze! He was scheduled to appear for the Fast & Furious 6 world premier in London, England on May 7th.
Jason Genova thought he could get away with this one, but it turns out the magic of the screen shot is faster than this fat man who sat down to fast. A source was able to forward me this screen shot of Jason calling "dorianplatz" a.k.a Jim Russells (a fitting name) a nigger. As you can see in the bottom photo Jason erases the last tweet in fear that the public will find out that he loosely uses this derogatory term. I think this is grounds for an UNSUB!
Mike Mccandless, C.E.O of Scivation and Primaforce, posted on the forums of that Jason Blaha, formerly of Icecreamfitness, lost the lawsuit against Layne Norton. The cost was supposedly in excess of $400,000.00. This information is simply based on what McCandless has publicly expressed. We are still awaiting confirmation. Blaha has been asked directly on his facebook, but is carefully dodging the obviously sensitive question. Jason has said that sharing details about the pending case would Iin fact get him arrested.
Here's the link to the discussion on
This is a video response by Endomorphbeast to Nick Wright of NWB for putting out a video which basically called him, and many other youtubers, "chump change mothafuckazzzz." Endomporhbeast brought up a point about Nick Wright promoting some "bullshit" green shake as a replacement for veggies, which he later removed. It was assumed by many that the deletion of the video was a result of Jason Blaha, of Juggernautfitnesstv, calling him out. With respect to Nick Wright here's his statement as to why the video was removed:
"The greens video was removed the morning BEFORE Blaha made his response
video, due to incorrect info on Pro Biotics. The removal had 0 to do
with ANY sort of feedback or video responses."- Nick Wright
Check out this heated video and watch the battle unfold!
After all the commotion stirred up by Nick Wright, it looks like a few youtubers are pulling their deal with I'll Pump You Up:
Nick Wright of NWB subtly calls out all youtube channels sponsored by "chump change motha fuckas"... what does that mean? It means they sell out for chump change. Nick doesn't out right say the name of the company, but uses obvious and not so clever rhymes that even his numerically challenged buddy, C.E.O of his own sponsor company that rhymes with Are Tee Enn, can understand. I'm sure if his so called "friends" bring it up about their sponsor he might revert to the good ole scapegoat of "Oh I wasn't talking about you" or something in that realm of cowardice. Maybe he might man up and admit he was talking about them straight to their face and not sell out to shame or embarrassment.
So are these channels selling out? It depends on what you feel like your worth is! You can save a ton of money like Nick did on supplements and never spend a dime on whey protein and supplements... or you can market yourself and pay out of your own pocket keeping your integrity in check and your wallet empty.
List of channels sponsored by
-Andrea Valdez
-Maxx Chewning
-Matty Fusaro
-Chelsea Lifts
-Kenny Gonzales
... some others I can't remember off the top of my head
Ever wondered what happened exactly to his arm and if doctors needed to cut the damn thing off? Well in this short 30minute video he covers all of that plus more!
Omarisuf (140,000+subscribers) Shares the other streams of income related to having a youtube channel
Brandon Campbell (50,000+subscribers) Shares how much he makes on youtube.
Brandon's Video Response To Omar Isuf
These videos provide an accurate, in-depth review on how much they actually make on youtube. I know a lot of people wonder how much their favorite channels make and if that can translate into something they can do for themselves. You'll be surprised at the actual numbers so take a look!
This time Adam gets put on blast to see if he can put his money where his mouth is. Jason Genova is infamous for making "Fitness Gurus" fail time after time when it comes to getting his ass into shape. If you ever wondered what happens to a big ego when it meets an immovable object? The ego ends up eating shit if that object was forged by a Sith Lord. Whoever dares to try and conquer the unchanging canvas we call Jason Genova is bound to look like a fool. Adam talks a big game, but is Jason's deceit even bigger? We'll soon find out in 6 weeks.
Greg Kovacs was perhaps one of the strongest bodybuilders in history. He had show & go, but at what cost? Sure some will attribute his death to other reasons and ignore the elephant in the room. In his early years of bodybuilding you'll notice that his physique was something to marvel at, but in his later years he looked to have suffered from a condition called Palumboism, a condition in which a bodybuilders limbs shrink and their midsection becomes overly developed (unknown causes).
Sure you can plug away at your My Fitness Pal App on your phone and assume that what you're logging in is accurate. The reality is that those calories could be off by 300 calories!!! Here's an example of a typical Chipotle burrito bowl, made famous by Matt Ogus of Legends of Aesthetics a.k.a flexforall2 a.k.a G4P godfather. Unless you're experienced at "eyeballing" your macros and you're in contest prep... Best you'd make yer own mealz buddy!
For those thinking that Vince was on a "forever bulk" well think again! John Otis Hollywood a.k.a the Pro Architect is getting his blue prints out for this POG member. Ever wondered what a shredded awkward nerd looks like? well wait and see!
The rage191 calls up jason genova and interviews him in a fashion that only sith lords can understand. Jason has an interesting way of responding to his own famous, "peace out bye."
What's wrong with this picture? Holy shit where do I start? First off this asshole in the first picture isn't benching... he's posing on a bar with supposedly 405lbs on it. You're damn right he's posing on in instead of benching it because everyone knows his bitch-ass needs to fake it. Sorry bro all that flexing isn't going to make us believe shit. As for the 2nd picture... 135lbs... really? You have a picture of a guy faking that he can bench 405lbs and another picture of this bastard struggling with 135lbs... COME ON! Now for the last picture... Who deadlifts less than what they BENCH?! Failed attempt at motivation!
If you want to hear more about this "love affair" then visit his channel at and witness this newly erected shrine of videos dedicated to the one and only GSP aka George St Pierre.
Around 13mins into the video Adam, of Get Fit Fast, discusses with Jason and his mom how he sells "Crap" to make a living and would much rather have him get results the "natural" way. Adam also points out that the products that Jason is taking will give him: "Small Balls", "Bitch Tits" and problems with his testosterone. Again these are words he put out there and not of my own so no bullshit defamation threats! Both Adam and Blackstone Labs boast about the safety of these supplements and pro-hormone/ legal pct products, but judging from the statements that he made in this video those claims can easily be interpreted as false. We're not exactly sure what was in the bag and as far as the public knows, Jason's only supplement sponsors were Iron Mag Labs and Blackstone Labs. Has someone been doing a little fibbing on their part or was Jason making secret purchases on the side?! Watch and judge for yourself.
Shout out to Amit Dt for bringing this to my attention.
Watch this video that Jason Genova posted... himself. Jason's diet, as administered by Aaron Singerman, was supposed to consist of: beef, mustard, eggs and water, but it turns out that he ate and drank everything else other than that! He downed coca cola on a consistent basis, ate sub sandwiches and more! He claims that he has a passion for bodybuilding and follows directions. Turns out his passion is a joke and only cares about subscribers. Blackstone Labs knew he was full of shit when he claimed to follow his diet and dropped his sponsorship. Jerry Ward from Bios3training was right! This kid is a joke when it comes to bodybuilding and should issue that apology to his fans and former sponsors. Only Jason Genova would put himself on blast!
Talk about sacrificing health for wealth. The picture in the left was posted by Boston Loyd a few weeks ago on his Facebook. He believed that the reason for the swelling was due to a nerve being hit during his routine steroid injections (which he openly admits to taking so DON'T SUE ME!). Turns out after the swelling subsided, the picture in the left depicts what looks like necrotic tissue. I showed this picture to several people in the medical field and they all agree that it may have been due to a dirty needle which created an abscess in his arm. They claim that portions of his arm NEED to be salvaged as soon as possible. If not, severe illness, amputation and death are highly possible. To read more about it, here's an interesting article on Boston Loyd posted by Blackstone Labs. Reason why I'm linking this is because they mention another delusional half witted "pseudo superstar" named Jason "iron uploader who trolls former all Mr. Olympias for subscribers" Genova.