Friday, January 30, 2015

Adam The Woo Puts Vitaly On Blast For FAKE PRANKS!

Fellow Youtuber Adam The Woo calls out Vitaly of Vitalyzdtv for faking all of his prank videos.  Fast forward to 10:14 and you'll hear the words squirt right out of Adam's mouth.

No Bullshit Bodybuilding Claims Superior Program to Lyle McDonald's

Tigerfitness Shitstorm Due To Afterburn Pre Workout feels the burn for carrying Afterburn, a product endorsed by Mike Chang of Sixpackshortcuts.  Anyone that is deep into the Youtube fitness community is well aware of why Tigerfitness would receive so much shit for carrying this product. 

Cynthia Whitlatch: "Racist" Cop Executes a BULLSHIT Arrest!

Another dumb bitch pig pulls over an elderly black man for fake weapon charges.  In this video it's obvious that this elderly black man (William Wingate) was minding his own fucking business while this shroom headed 40% bodyfat pig stops him as he was about to cross the street.  In his hand held held a very dangerous and life threatening... golf club.  He should have made a citizens arrest against her for possession of a harmful substance... her ugly face.  Watch the video here:

 This screen shot was in response to Seattle resident Brian Davis
-Pig pulls over elderly black man for weapon charges (a golf club)
-Files bullshit charges against him
-Is punished by being assigned to a desk position
-Victim is suing for $750,000.00 against the police department.
-Justice isn't served

More screencaps and info can be found here: