Maxx's Youtube:
So what the hell is a sleeper? In the automotive world it's a car that doesn't look like much, but has a beast under the hood that could leave a Lamborghini with shit stains and tire streaks in it's underwear. That's exactly what Chewning is! I guarantee, aside from the fact that he's pretty lean, that most people would underestimate him as soon as he steps into the gym because of his skinny frame. Then all of a sudden the meat heads, that were once skeptical at this skinny fella stepping up to 500lbs on a bar that pulled reps on the deadlift, are now claiming to be doing deloads in the gym when it's really a max effort day.
For a youtube troll, he's pretty strong for his size and would be an amazing friend to bring to a gym and scam money off of unawares in deadlift challenges. I've been subscribed to him for a few months now and found his videos to been quite entertaining... aside from his obsession with nick wright. Therage191 would disagree, but that's the rage speaking. Check out his youtube, become his friend and watch your comment section get trolled once he friends you.