
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Auntie Fee Feuds With Kalimuscle: Kali Crosses The Line!

It all started when Auntie Fee made friendly banter twoards Kalimuscle in regards to his muscles and cooking style.  Kalimuscle then responded in what he thought was his form of friendly banter when he stated that his on screen orgasms/skeet might make Auntie Fee's "old pussy wet"... That's just nasty.  In the video below you can witness the disgusting comments and gestures made by Chuck Basher (kalimuscle's name for the gay community).

Click Here to Read About Kalimuscle's "Gay 4 Pay" Past:

Skip To 10:33 to hear Kali's calling Auntie Fee out in a "friendly" way
Skip To 12:33 to hear Kali call out Auntie Fee's Old Pussy
 Here's Auntie Fee's response to the lewd comments made by Kalimuscle