Durianrider & Freelee claim that Kayla is suing them for freedom of speech. In Freelee's previous video she makes several statements that may seem controversial, similar to what Jason Blaha of Juggernautfitnesstv has said about Dr. Layne Norton. Here are a few claims freelee has made against Kayla Itsines:
-"on Instagram she has like over 2 million followers. Whether they're all real followers or not is another question which we will discuss in another video, but today we will focus on this starvation diet bullshit"
-She calls Kayla Itsines program a starvation program.
-"This is on her recommendation which are dangerous, which are promoting a eating disorder."
You can find all of Freelee's claims against Kayla Itsines in her previous video:
Thanks Anand! Just be sure to practice and implement what you read.