
Friday, November 8, 2013

Who Is John Otis Hollywood?

J.O.H is somewhat of a mystery.  He works behind the scenes turning mediocre physiques into something the gods on mt. olympus can be jealous of.  It wasn't until recently he emerged from behind the scenes and into the limelight on youtube where he was featured on the Physiques of Greatness and Tigerfitness channels.  Even the likes of luimarco and Jason Blaha, of Juggernautfitnesstv, have attested that if they were ever going to do a bodybuilding show, they would pick John Otis Hollywood as their coach.  Rumor has it that he was a team3dmj athlete or somehow related to the group, but I still have no confirmation on that.  Take a look at his recently posted video on youtube which highlights just a few of his clients.  After watching this you'll understand why they call him the "Pro Architect".

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